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As a church family, it's time to pray, prepare, and participate in our upcoming Vision Offering 
on Sunday, May 26th. This annual offering enables us to take a giant leap forward in fulfilling the opportunities God has placed before us. We give knowing none of us can accomplish individually what all of us can do together.

"Because I have set my heart on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house... Who among you is ready and willing to join in the giving?" 
1 Chronicles 29:3-6

Give Now online or through Calvary Connect, which is our recommended method of giving; made safe and easy. If you would prefer to give in-person by cash or cheque, feel free to use our iPartner 
envelopes on Sunday morning during our regular service times or stop by the office during the week from Monday - Thursday 9AM-4PM. Please make cheques payable to Calvary Church. For mobile giving, please text "CALVARYCA" to 73256. Thank you for your generosity!