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To the parents and guardians of B!GTiME Kids,

We are happy to announce that as a result of the recent BC Health order update, our B!GTiME Kids Easter program is now available online and onsite here at the church. The onsite Easter program requires registration.

Your child will need Easter supplies to be a part of this party at home. These are free but you need to pick them up. Please pick up 1 bag per family. If you have 4 or more children in your family, then get 2 bags.

The theme of this party is 'Nailed it'. A professional decorater will create three cupcakes. Your child will need to recreate these cupcakes using the supplies that they have been given and extra supplies of their own. The supplies provided will be very basic supplies. There will be a picture of the professional cupcakes included with the supplies. The idea is that you pick up the supplies and then use your own creativity and add to the ingredients to create your own version of the professional ones. 

The Easter bags will be available at the church office on Tuesday, March 30th from 11-6:30, March 31st and April 1st from 11-4. Feel free to call the office first to make sure that there are some left as supplies are limited.

You can attend this event on the 4th online via the zoom link provided with the supplies that you pick up. The zoom party will be at the same time as the regular services, on the 4th of April at either the 9 or 10:30 service times. 


As you may have heard, the ban on gathering in person for childrens programs has been partially lifted. If you would like to attend this event in person, register HERE. Please note that this is during both the 9 and 10:30 services. This will take you to the Sunday Onsite Celebration. Click on the register now and just choose the BiGTiME service. If you are registered for the BIGTiME Kids Easter service we will still be having the 'Nailed it' event, however we will be in the gym and the supplies will be provided for you.

To see the health order outlining this allowance, please go HERE


If you will be joining us online, you still to pick up your supplies at the church office at the times listed above. The zoom link will be provided with the supplies. If you are joining us in-person, you need to register. That's it. The supplies will be provided at the church for you.

As always the regular videos will be provided

BONUS VIDEOS - The video included with this online event is aimed for all ages. If you would like something for specific ages here are some bonus videos: (they will be clickable on Sunday morning)

For ages 2-5 click here > PRESCHOOL

For regular programing click here> RECONNECT (This is a simplified version of our regular lesson)

For Preteens (Grade 4-5) click here > PRETEEN

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at