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Hey Calvary family!

It doesn't seem possible that Christmas is a mere 7 weeks away! How does that happen? BLINK... it's Christmas again. Well I'm excited for it anyways. I love me some Christmas! It was this season that I first gave my heart to Jesus and it's such an amazing time to recentre our faith. 

For this years insanity, we're told it's supply shortages, containers of goods in ports and that "Christmas is sitting off shore in the ocean. BUY GIFTS NOW, BUY GIFTS NOW... before it's too late! BUY BUY BUY!" Forget about it... you don't need more STUFF to celebrate the birth of Jesus. You need you and Jesus to have a great Christmas. 

Let's finish 2021 off in FAITH and OPTIMISM by doing an advent devotional together called "MAKING SPACE - AN ADVENT DEVOTIONAL", by Susan Narjala. There are a couple routes to join in this with me and your church family. We'll be using the YOUVERSION app on your phone/tablet/computer to sign up. Head to the URL

which should redirect you to our shared plan. Make sure to ACCEPT INVITATION to join in. An alternate method is to add me as your friend in the YOUVERSION app, and I'll invite you directly from there. Make sure you're logged into the app with your account to avoid hassles. Drop an email to if you have troubles. I'll come to your house. You'll feed me eggnog and I'll get you signed up.

The start date is December 1, and ends on Christmas Day! A little piece of Christmas love for 25 days. There are interactive comments so we can be encouraging and praying for one another. Also, feel free to email me any time if there is something we can be praying for now. Let's end the year with our eyes on the prize. Jesus. Bless ya!
