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This February, the series Power of Connections, plugs into key areas that help us live a balanced life: church, family, work, and health. As Christians, we're called to avoid isolation and the trap of overconsumption, seeking instead the balance God has planned for us. God created us for connection, and His Word guides us on how to thrive in community. This series explores how our relationship with God influences every other relationship, reminding us that when we put Him first, we are better equipped to love and serve others.

Calvary Church Main Campus Onsite | Sunday at 9AM + 10:30AM
Calvary Church Mandarin Campus 
Onsite | Sunday at 9AM + 10:30AM
*Full Calvary Kid's and Student ministry available during all Sunday services.

Calvary Church Online Campus | Sunday Broadcast 9AM PDT + Anytime After - On Demand
Main Campus Online | Weekly Sunday Broadcast: (Live chat + prayer enabled)
Mandarin Campus Online | LIVE Stream: (Live chat + prayer enabled)

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*Calvary Kids + Students | NEW Weekly Content On Demand