Fraser Glen Preschool is a service of Calvary Church, which seeks to serve your family and the community at large. As one of the founding institutions in Fraser Heights, we have a long history of excellence in North Surrey, and strive to provide useful programs for our neighbourhood. Though the preschool is run from the church, it is open to everyone from the community.
Anna Tan - Head Teacher
Anna graduated from Northwest Baptist Theological College with her Early Childhood Education (E.C.E). She has had training for children with special needs from Douglas College. Anna has two children of her own and lives here in Fraser Heights.
Nicole Fullerton - Teacher
Nicole graduated from Burnaby College with her Early Childhood Education (E.C.E). Nicole resides in Langley and enjoys outdoor activities and time with family.
Both Teachers are Fully Qualified
To Teach that God is loving, caring, strong and dependable, and that He forgives each of us as individuals.
To Provide top quality personal programs and an environment to help each child develop to his or her full potential.
To Work closely with the family, the primary care giver, in aiding the development of their child's interest in learning.
To Supply a social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional foundation for learning.